We are proud to participate in the HIMSS 22 APAC Health Conference & Exhibition
Usually, people only know that Zoom is used for meetings, at this event we are proud to be able to introduce Zoom beyond just meetings and how Zoom can be used especially in the healthcare sector.
From medical organization's internal communication, mental health, disaster response, health education & telemedicine consulting. It's a few use case that Zoom can support.
By using Zoom Room for home (near frame), a doctor can help the patients from their practice rooms or home and give the best medication advise
Also with Zoom Room (Neatboard / Rally Bar) installed at patients room in isolated area to keep in touch with the family or colleague and give a support for the patients from any places.
With Zoom Phone in hands (Zoom Mobile Client), anyone with emergency situation can reach the support team as soon as possible by pressing the SOS button from their devices
#kayreach #zoom #himss #apac #health #conference #medical #healthcare #telemedicine #education #zoomroom #neatbar #zoomphone #zoommobileclient
