Your SASE journey can start today with WAN transformation or appliance refresh. How do you pay for SASE?
The good news is, that the budget for SASE is already here. Your next security appliance refresh, your upcoming MPLS contract renewal, or your M&A integration project - all represent great catalysts to launch the SASE project. The migration doesn't have to happen all at once, and most SASE platforms support a gradual migration process, during which a SASE can co-exist with legacy network and security solution until they are fully retired.
While the SASE category defined by Gartner is new (published first in Gartner's Hype Cycle for Enterprise Networking 2019), its implementation in not. The Cato Cloud is a market-proven SASE platform you can deploy today. Cato converges enterprise network and security capabilities into a single pass software stack delivered as a cloud service.