Sangfor NGAF takes next generation firewall technology to the next level to meet the evolving security needs of modern enterprises. Through market foresight and technical prowess, Sangfor NGAF is the next generation firewall that holds several "world's first" titles.
-The world's 1st AI-enabled NGFW that intelligently detects threats to eliminate over 99% of external threats at the network perimeter.
-The world's 1st NGFW integrated with Web Application Firewall (WAF) to provide network and web application security in one appliance.
-The world's 1st NGFW with built-in SOC Lite that helps security teams rapidly determine the security status of threats and respond.
-The world's 1st NGFW that truly integrates with endpoint and network security solutions to create a holistic security system.
Kayreach System provides the most optimal solution for cloud computing resources and cybersecurity, prioritizing your data security/
We have been more than 15-years serving our customers with excellent after services. Trust your network infrastructure with us!
#kayreach #Sangfor #CyberCommand #Security #NDR #DRM #DisasterRecoveryManagement #NetworkDetectionRespon #onpremises #WFA #oncloud #WorkFromAnywhere #RemoteWorker #StayConnected
